I have been reliably informed that, due to a technical glitch, many of you may not have heard who won the jumping frog competition!! So, I have been tasked with announcing it on the blog. Our sincere apologies for those of you who have been waiting with baited breath all this time. You can breathe normally now...
The winner was one Vicki, from Surbiton, who has graced your screens with a previous creation (a plasticine duck called Bradley – who could forget!) on our Model of the month page.
Vicki was awarded a fimo model making kit with 24 colours of clay! Hopefully her creative genes will be driven to create more masterpieces which we will of course showcase if they are sent in our direction. Her winning frog is pictured above , what we need now is a video of him jumping...
Thank you to everyone who entered the competition, the standards were high and it was a tough decision, but we appreciated every entry, especially the frog who was 'into progressive jazz'.
Keep your eyes open for the next pinkfrog creative competition... and good luck
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