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Sunday, 19 June 2011

Get creative with words...

So, you have a few minutes between meetings, perhaps you are a smoker and want to do more than gaze out to a brick wall (or whatever your smoking area view may be). Well I have discovered for myself the perfect constructive, time filler app. It allows you to flex your brain and get creative with words, but beware, it is highly addictive.
Available for iphone, ipad and ipod touch.

Yes, words with friends! It truly is marvelous, and as with all of the apps I point you to, it has a FREE version.

It operates much like scrabble, where you have a number of tiles and the object of the game is to get as high a score as possible at each turn, to beat your oponent.

The really good thing about this app though, is the fact that you can have multiple games on the go at any one time. You can play with your own network or you can choose to invite a stranger to a game. Either way, whenever you open the app, it will alert you if you have a turn waiting. If any of you would like to add me to your list of preferred opponents, my ID is ang17a, welcome to my world.

P.S. They have also introduced a new one called 'hanging with friends' again, a free app. Enjoy

Take a look at 'words with friends' here...
Take a look at 'hanging with friends' here...

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